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Brand New, 1 In stock
CAD$ 28.49
  • Description

    Wing It: Beyond is the standalone expansion to "Wing It: The Game of Extreme Storytelling."

    Wing It: Beyond features 3 themes: Space! Travel! and the Apocalypse! Like the original Wing It, Wing It: Beyond is is like Apples to Apples meets Once Upon a Time, with a dose of Comedy Central mixed in.

    In each round, a rotating judge presents the players with the same challenging Situation, and each player tells a story about how they'll escape that Situation using exactly 3 Resources in their hand of 5 unusual Resources. Players take turns acting as judge, awarding the situation card to the player with the best story in each round. In the expansion, players also may use special Surprise cards (disguised as Resource cards) to introduce new ways to play a given round, thereby making the stories even more ridiculous.

    The winner is the player with the most situation cards at the end, but the real fun is in the stories!